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April 17, 2008


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Coconut, lime and white chocolate.....all my favorite ingredients in one incredible, edible cookie!!! I must have died and gone to heaven! Can't wait for you to come home and fire up the super-sonic oven to make some of these for me. YUM!


I'm with you Mumma! These do sound mouth watering. Wish I could have been on the roof top on this gorgeous day for a tasting!

Oatmeal Cookie Guy

Thanks, Mumma and Lorraine! (OCG has two moms.)


these were delicious! I just had about 9 in a row...definitely better than the ones we got last summer from City Bakery!

Oatmeal Cookie Guy

We'll make these the next time we're home.


How weird is this...I swear I left a post here yesterday and when I came back to see if you had responded, it wasn't there. So, either I didn't put the code in after I entered it or you are getting a repeat post and I apologize.
Here goes, I wanted to know if you thought that I could just substitute lime juice for the lime extract or do you think it wouldn't be as strong. Again, me and the extract know I have issues when it comes to getting my hands on extracts.

Oatmeal Cookie Guy

Hi, Laurel. That is weird. I got an email from someone who said the same thing...that her comment didn't show up. I don't know what that's all about, so I opened a ticket with TypePad to see if they can see what's up.

As for the extract vs. juice, though, I think it will be fine to replace the extract with juice. The flavor of lime juice only might not be as intense as with lime extract, but I'm sure it will taste just fine! To increase the lime flavor, try adding a little bit more lime zest. That should do the trick! :-)

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