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August 10, 2008


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Ooooo, I SO wish I could be there for these! I could use some of your cookies now G, as I wait for medal matches to start at 4am! Eek!

Oatmeal Cookie Guy

Hey, IYC! I hope NBC's giving you lots of coffee... I'll make it up to you next week. :-)



Can I sub. any cocoa puffed rice cereal? I went to that DAMN! CVS near my house b/c Cocoa and Fruity Pebbles were on sale BOGO free and I had a coupon. They had taken the sign down so I thought I'd been hallucinating that I saw them on sale. Needless to say, I wasn't paying $7 for cereal. You had to buy two to use the coupon. So, last night I was in Giant (my neighborhood grocery store) and they had a generic brand for a buck. If the taste is a little light I'm going to add a little more cocoa. I'll let you know how they turn out.

Speaking of Fruity Pebbles, how about a rainbow cookie for all the little kids going back to school. Give them an orange or cherry flavor.

Oatmeal Cookie Guy

Hey, Alicia! I think Cocoa Krispies or even a generic equivalent would work OK. (I haven't tried Krispies in this recipe, but I'm sure they'd be fine.)

DO NOT use Chocolate Cap'n Crunch. I tried using the Cap'n in place of the Pebbles, and it just didn't turn out right. I think the cereal's corn flavor overpowered it's chocolate flavor.

You're right: You might need to up the cocoa if you use Krispies/generic. Pebbles is really chocolaty.

Thanks for the Fruity Pebbles idea...I'll have to come up with something for that!

Princess Ariele

Well I have to say these are the best yet!
Thank you so much for making my cookie dreams come true- these are absolutely delicious.

Oatmeal Cookie Guy

Thanks, Princess Ariele! These are *seriously* chocolaty.


I'm a true Chocoholic and my mouth is watering!! These cookies sound absolutely scrumptious! When are you coming home again?



Cap'n Crunch has too much oil in it. If you crushed them in your hand, you would have a greasy mess.

Oatmeal Cookie Guy

Hey, Alicia. The peanut butter Cap'n is awesome in peanut butter cookies. (It's one of my secret ingredients...shh!)

But the chocolate Cap'n is just downright wrong!

Oatmeal Cookie Guy

Hiya, Mumma. You always ask that! Methinks someone wants Lime in the Coconut ice cream sandwiches again.

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