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September 17, 2008


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Yum, those seem like they would make some fabulous cookie creations. Perhaps combining them with pumpkin would create something delicious for the autumn...?

Oatmeal Cookie Guy

Hi, Kim. I am working on some ideas for pumpkin-based cookies. Thanks for writing in!


You have officially sold me on cinnamon chips. Any other must-have's from King Arthur's? If I'm ordering from Canada I'd better make it worth my while!

Oatmeal Cookie Guy

Hi, Colleen. I'd say a tablespoon-sized plastic cookie scoop is a must. I use one every single time I make cookies:

And the plastic kind is infinitely better than all-metal scoops. (Check out my "The Scoop on Scoops" entry.)

I've also gotten the mint chips and cappuccino chips. They're fun to have on hand and to play with, but I wouldn't put them in the "must have" category. The cherry chips are just plain nasty...stay away from those for sure!

I hope this helps.

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