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« XXX Cranberry Cookies | Main | Gratuitous Sopranos Clip »

November 13, 2008


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i don't think i've ever seen fresh cranberries in my life... but i have eaten them in your awesome, crack-filled cookie!

i'm savoring them and checking my padlock to make sure p dubs doesn't come crashing through the door to steal my stash.

Oatmeal Cookie Guy

Thanks, In-Young! :-)


Yummy! These are great, though I'm hoping to have a good outcome by swapping out more halved fresh cranberries for the dried. The dried ones I had on hand were old an really overly sweet. Wish me luck :)

I'got to thank Anna for pointing her readers here. I love oatmeal cookies and can't wait to try other variations. I think eggnog is next!

Oatmeal Cookie Guy

Hi, Kate. Thanks! I'm sure that replacing some of the dried cranberries with fresh will work out fine.

And thanks for stopping by! :-)

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