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January 16, 2009


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Mellisa W.

I just baked these, they are very good. However, DH despises raisins. Can you come up with an equally good cookie with our raisins?

Oatmeal Cookie Guy

Hi, Melissa. Oh no...a raisin hater? I think you could replace the raisins in this recipe with any other kind of dried fruit: raisins, cherries, dates, etc. Or you could just replace the fruit with your favorite kind of chip: chocolate, white chocolate, butterscotch, peanut butter, etc.

Oatmeal Cookie Guy

One question, though, Melissa. What does "DH" stand for? The first thing I thought of was "designated hitter," but that didn't make much sense. Then I thought "dumb husband," which made more sense. Just wondering... :-)

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